Short, Precise, Dynamic,
Motion Graphics

Alongside our graphic design services, we also offer motion graphic design, film editing, video presentation and web videos. If a picture speaks a thousand words, just think how powerful a marketing tool motion picture is. Video is fast becoming the most effective and efficient tool for delivering marketing messages to mass audiences. Not only are they engaging and can quickly encapsulate your message, they’re also easily shareable leading to a snowball effect of popularity.
Modern society demands that your business moves into the technical age. Wth busier schedules and shorter attention spans, people realise the value of their time and have little time to read length dialogue explaining business services. People want efficiency and engagement. To compensate for this, online marketing has evolved, especially over the last 5 years, to provide people with marketing strategies that cater to busy daily lives. This comes in the form of video.
Content and text is mostly ignored this day and tends to play a larger role in SEO than actually providing information. With web users used to tabbing through numerous windows and flying through websites, an engaging medium is important to deliver the information you need customers to see. With the average website visitor spending no more than 400 seconds on a website, you need to give your information fast and a video is the ideal medium for this.
A web video can provide your potential clients with a snapshot of your portfolio in seconds, with the ideal motion graphics video length being 1.30min.